Between 8. and 10. november 2013 Marczika Bonsai Studio organizes MUSTRA, an assorted bonsai and suiseki show on the premises of Érdi Városi Galéria (2030 Érd, Alsó u. 2. Hungary). You can also exhibit on condition that you nominate the bonsai and/or suiseki composition to be exhibited for a preliminary winnowing by way of photoes. So please be so kind as to sign up for the preliminary winnowing.
We are looking forward to your registration – would you please send sharp and high-quality photoes on your bonsai and/or suiseki composition to be nominated together with the data listed below to the following e-mail address: balint@bonsaistudio.hu
In case of bonsai(s):
- name of the exhibitor – owner
- e-mail address
- name of the bonsai to be exhibited both in Latin and Hungarian*
- heigth of the bonsai from the edge of the bowl
- width of the complete composition
- style of the bonsai*
- growth of the bonsai - origin (imported, not imported, yamadori, own propagation, horticultural bases, etc)**
- name of the bonsai shaping person**
- manufacturer or maker of the bonsai bowl
*in case of shohin stands it is evident that each of the shohin or mame bonsai data has to be indicated separately
** in case of shohin stands it is not cumpolsory to indicate these data separately
In case of suiseki(s):
- name of the exhibitor – owner
- e-mail address
- size of the suiseki(s) to be exhibited (together with suibanna/daiza)
- width of the complete composition(s)
- style of the suiseki*
- origin of the suiseki
- name of the bonsai shaping person**
- manufacturer of the suiban
Nominations are due up to the 30th October 2013 via e-mail. The compositions not reaching us up to this deadline will neither be appraised nor exhibited.
Please be so kind as to let us have your exact and unfailing data because it is not sure we will be able to save time for the remedy.
Should you sign up as an exhibitor it is obvious that we shall inform you via e-mail if your composition passed the winnowing . This e-mail will comprise our reasoning, too.
Please nominate only complete compositions for the show (bonsai table or raft, shitakusa or suiseki, etc…) and see to it that the plant to be exhibited be healthy.
P R O G R A M :
18.00 Opening ceremony of the Bonsai and Suiseki Parade
10:00 Jan Culek: Criticism of the trees exhibited
12:00 – 17:00 Parallel demonstrations: Jan Culek, Sándor Papp
15:00 Péter Deák: Guidance as if a gardener
20:00 State-dinner
10:00 – 18:00 Workshop with Jan Culek
13:00 – 18:00 Demonstration with Sándor Papp
15:00 Lecture of Ervin Katona on Kokufu Ten
18:00 Breakdown of the exhibition
Megtekintések | Dátum | Mellette | Ellene |
10019 Megtekintések | Sep 17, 2013 | 2 Szavazat | 0 Szavazat |